Special Needs PlanningLet our more than 26 years of experience guide and assist you.
Need Estate Planning?Find out about our definitive book on estate planning.
A More Joyous ProcessOur unique process avoids the stress of typical estate planning
Let's get started todayFind out how easy it is to create your own meaningful legacy!

Arapahoe & DOUGLAS County Estate Planning Attorney
Legal Representation for the Southeast Denver Metro Area as well as all of Colorado
Although many people believe it is only for the wealthy, Estate planning is actually for everyone who has loved ones, such as children, grandchildren, siblings, nieces and nephews, or surviving parents, no matter how much money they have or how much property they own. In addition to the wealthiest business owner, the successful physician and the rest of us, everyone can benefit dramatically by putting an estate plan into place to establish a true legacy and protect the ones they love.
At The Law Office of Steven R. Owens, P.C., we go beyond helping our clients establish a simple will or a trust: we take great pride in educating our clients on how they can protect their loved ones by implementing Integrated Wealth Strategies™ which include a variety of tools such as estate and business planning, retirement planning and asset protection planning for individuals and businesses alike.
Our founding attorney, Steven R. Owens has been working in the legal field for more than more than 26 years, and has authored books and articles on a variety of topics. His articles have been published in national and local publications, and maintain a focus on legacy planning, the importance of protecting loved ones and how to achieve asset protection. Just as you would hire a trial attorney to defend you in a contract dispute, you want a highly educated estate planning lawyer navigating you through the most time-tested estate planning techniques to achieve your specific goals and protect your specific loved ones.
Caring for Those Who Cannot Care For Themselves
If you have a child or loved one with special needs, we can help you establish a special needs plan. Special needs planning will ensure that a mentally and/or physically disabled loved one will enjoy the benefits of your legacy without affecting your loved one's eligibility for Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income and other important public benefits. Special needs planning also incorporates many other important concerns such as appointing successor guardians, ensuring that your loved one will have an effective advocate and ensuring that your legacy is sufficient for your loved one's needs. It is never too early to start to plan for your special loved one; we at The Law Office of Steven R. Owens encourage you to create a special needs plan as soon as possible. One way to start is to attend one of our free educational workshops on special needs planning.
Planning for Your Business's Future
Are you interested in obtaining more information about asset protection and how you can protect the value of your business for yourself and your loved ones? As a business owner or key executive, we know that you rely on a strategic plan when making business decisions. Do you have a written plan on how you are going to exit that business with sufficient assets in time to enjoy a comfortable and rewarding retirement? Do you have a written, solid, plan that will guide the business or professional practice and retain its going-concern value for you or your loved ones if you unexpectedly become disabled or pass away prematurely?
If your business plan ignores these fundamental questions, you are missing out on a tremendous opportunity to cut your tax load – and you may be exposing your business to great risks that threaten its continued growth and survival. It is a sad fact that two out of every three family-owned companies do not survive the first generation, and most business owners are not able to harvest the full value of their business for their retirement and their loved ones. These owners did not plan to fail, they failed to plan.
On the other hand, it is possible to put a proven plan in place today that will protect your business, enhance its value, and allow you to harvest its entire going-concern value for your retirement and to pass to your loved ones, while at the same time minimizing or eliminating Uncle Sam's tax bite.
To understand more about how business and business succession planning will benefit you and your business and what strategies you can put in place today to cut taxes, protect your loved ones, and enhance your retirement, schedule a consultation today with Steve, who is a third generation Colorado attorney and who regularly helps Colorado business owners, both small and large, in the areas of tax planning, business protection planning and business transition planning.
Planning for Your Charitable Legacy
You may wish to donate money to your favorite organization or charity while you are alive, or even after you pass away, but you may be unaware of how to make the most charitable impact in the most tax-advantaged way. Charitable planning will allow you to create the maximum charitable legacy, and use some of the dollars that would have been paid in taxes to further aid the charities you choose.
Our Dedicated Practice Areas
Contact Us, We Are Right Here in Greenwood Village!
We are easily located just off of the Orchard Road exit on I-25, with convenient parking.
When you call us, you will see that we help each of our clients create a true legacy plan for their loved ones. Our team will ensure that our clients' assets and property are passed to whom they want, when they want, and how they want. With our help, clients can transfer their legacy to their loved ones with minimal estate taxes and probate costs, and safeguard important assets from lawsuits and creditors' claims. We pay close attention to each client's unique situation, unique family, individual goals and desires, and we make the estate planning process as enjoyable and rewarding as possible. Our clients have peace of mind knowing their legacy goals will be realized.

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